Build Your Own CAR Stock!

I always make the same suggestion when I hear that someone is looking for a stock for the Pro-Lite, 68-Carbine, or Pro-Carbine. Get a M-16 Car stock and a pvc fitting and make your own. Obviously if your willing to spend $60 go for something from jcs but you can make your own for $25-$35.G

Get a CAR stock from Tapco for $29.99 or find a better deal on eBay:

Next get a pvc coupling big enough to fit the marker's endcap...I'm thinking about 3/4 to 1 inch:p>

I used tape to mark my cuts. With a dremel cut-off wheel it only takes a few seconds to slice and dice the tube.

Drill a hole in the coupling so it can be held in place by a bolt that runs through the end cap hole. Finally, widen the other side of the coupling enough for the stock. Screw the stock tightly into the coupling. You may want to add a set screw the lock the stock into position. After making any last minute adjustments lightly sand the coupling and paint it flat black.

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